Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hi Everyone

Not sure how useful this will be, but I know it's incredibly difficult keeping up with everyone. I love our website - but it takes forever to upload photos to it, so I've kind of given up. I'm not sure how many photos I can put on here, but I'll try to keep everyone up on how fast the little blonde bomb is growing and the incredibly funny things she says. (She asked me on Friday if I thought she has leprosy!...dont ask!) Anyway, the website will be functional until our subscription expires. After that, the photos will be lost in cyberspace.

Okay - to update:

Julianne turned 5 on November 2nd. Since we will be moving in a few months, we opted to NOT have a big party (and the MANY gifts that come with it!) and just have a sleepover with her friends. So, I entertained 5 little girls for her birthday! They did surprisingly well for it being the first time away from home for an entire night for some of them. We had pizza/cake - you know...the EASY party stuff. The presents/toys were minimal, thank goodness.

Halloween still remains my favorite holiday and Julianne went as Ariel this year. She was beautiful (but, I am partial!). Again, we went to the dorms and had to switch out her candy bag half way through. Please don't ask who ate most of the candy - because I'll deny it!!!

You all know what Jim is doing this time of the year. Hopefully he's having a good time, because we're not sure what will be going on this time next year. He's started to work out with me. We've been doing a program that you can see at It's pretty bad-ass. I still get up in the morning and run, so we do this in the evenings and it's been really cool. We are starting our 3rd week of the first phase tomorrow. I'm very proud of him doing it, because I know he'd rather be on the couch. He's been taking Julianne with him hunting when I am on call.

For me, work is still work. I will be done in June - and I'm ready to be done...but, I don't feel that I've learned near enough to be this close to done. I'm excited for the fellowship next year, but scared to death. I'm not looking forward to getting to know a new hospital, new staff, etc. Not looking forward to re-establishing

Also to note - we will probably be getting rid of our land-line phone because we pay 65 bucks a month and hardly ever use it. So, for those of you wanting to contact us - please use either email or our cell phones. If you need the cell numbers, please email and I will provide those.

Okay - I am going to bed now. I hope to make this blog a regular thing-but we all know how I am.

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