Sunday, September 14, 2008

Big Day Around Here!!

Julianne lost her first tooth today. I am so thankful I was here for it! I was on the treadmill when I hear her yell "daddy, my tooth came out"...I about fell off. Sure enough - her tooth was gone. It's been loose for a few days. Evidently, she was chewing on her shirt collar and it must have caught on the loose tooth and pulled it out. She didn't even know it happened until she went to feel her loose tooth and it wasn't there. Then she noticed the blood and looked for the tooth. Sure enough - found it on the chair.

Not sure if this is a big deal, but Jim and I felt like it was. So glad it wasn't one of those traumatic tooth pullings - like when it's hanging by a string and the kid won't let you pull it out. So, she assumes the tooth fairy will be visiting later tonight. She drew a picture of the tooth fairy a few days ago and hung it on her bed. I read a news article not too long ago that teeth are a big business nowadays for kids...getting $5.00 and up! Do they not make quarters any more?

So, you can see the pictures below. Will also post some on my facebook page. I had to turn some to black and white because the blood was all over her face and it looked pretty bad.

I don't know whether to be extremely excited or to cry....She's getting so big!

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